As always, many thanks to all of you who faithfully tithe so that we can budget for local benevolence needs, and thanks to those who also give over and above!
We have begun our Lenten journey for 2024! Perhaps we could take as a theme for this First Sunday of Lent: From the rainbow to the Cross: Renewing our covenant with God.
by (excerpted from
The Catholic Church calls all Catholics to a deeper spirit of penance, fasting, almsgiving and prayer, “which express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 1434 and 1969).
Brent Speak offered this stewardship talk at the end of Mass in October, during the kickoff of the annual Catholic Stewardship Renewal. Several parishioners who were at a different Mass that weekend asked for a printed copy of the talk. We thought it might be encouraging to the parish as a whole, so with Brent’s permission, we offer it here.
As always, many thanks to those of you who tithe, making it possible to budget $1,000 each month for local benevolence. And thank you to those who give over and above.
And just like that – we have completed our journey through the Christmas Season and find ourselves at the beginning of Ordinary Time in the current liturgical year.
Thank you so much to those of you who are faithfully tithing so that we can budget $1000/mo for local benevolence, and also to those who give over and above.