Dear Parishioners of Mary Immaculate and Saint Rose,
One of my favorite Gospel stories during Easter Week is the encounter with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Two of the disciples have left Jerusalem and are walking to Emmaus. They meet a stranger who appears to be totally unaware of the events that have been happening in Jerusalem.
The disciples are discouraged as they thought Jesus was to bring about the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. The stranger explained the Scriptures to them regarding the Messiah. As they shared the evening meal together, the stranger took bread, blessed it, and broke it. In that familiar action the eyes of the disciples were opened and they knew they were in the presence of Jesus. Then He vanished from their sight.
They were so overjoyed that they made the long walk back to Jerusalem to proclaim that they had seen then Risen Lord!
This story teaches us many things. One is that our life is a journey, and during that journey we are often in the company of Jesus without realizing it. Another thing is that we come to know Jesus in the breaking of the bread. The Eucharist is of utmost importance to us as Catholics and the Church is wise to ask us to share in the Eucharistic celebration every Sunday. We need to be together to break bread and to discover Jesus in our midst each week. Every Sunday is a new Easter. The joy of knowing Jesus energizes us as Christians. Even we who have become weary during the pilgrimage of life gain new vigor and enthusiasm when we meet Jesus. Finally, this Gospel reminds us to be aware of the presence of Jesus even when He is hard for us to see.
Msgr. Cox
The Road to Emmaus, Robert Zünd (1877)