Dear Parishioners of Mary Immaculate and Saint Rose,
As I reflect on my forty years as a priest, I find that one of the most powerful things in my priesthood is a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. When Jesus was dying upon the Cross and entrusted the care of His Mother to Saint John, Jesus gave His Mother to all of us as our Mother. I find this to be of a tremendous comfort.
Mary cares for us and prays for us as her own dear children. She, who is constantly in the presence of the Lord, holds us constantly before God. She was closer to Jesus that any other human being and because she is our Mother, she keeps us close to Jesus.
During this month of May, we honor Mary in a special way. Before Mass, we pray the rosary, which is her special gift to us. The rosary helps us to pray and helps us to contemplate the mysteries of the life of Jesus when He lived among us.
This week we also have the May crowning. The children of our Mary Immaculate School crowned the statue of Mary to show her love and honor. We had to use the statue outside because the one in the church is not back yet.
The Mass on Thursday was in honor of the Virgin Mary. There were special readings, songs, and prayers to help us show our love and devotion. When we give honor to Mary, we also give honor to Jesus, her Son.
Today is also the day that we give recognition to our own mothers, We bring them flowers, gifts, and take them to dinner. If they have passed away, we think of them fondly, recalling precious memories, and we pray for them. We realize that it is through the body and care of our mother that God bestows life upon us. No one loves us like our mother loves us. So it is fitting that we have a day to celebrate our mothers.
As we honor our earthly mothers, we give praise and thanks to our Lord Jesus for sharing His Mother with us. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, by her prayer and example, help us to follow Jesus more closely. May we, through the grace of our baptism, live as true children of God!
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen!