This time of year at the Newman Center, we interview new students to discern leadership roles in ministry. Following this will be an opportunity to dream together and reflect together on who we are as a community, what we are here for, and how we might do that together… and I think it also holds true for us as a parish.
What does it mean for us to be here as a parish…? What do I hope for, that our parish can be - to be the Catholic Church in, and with, and for Adair County? How are we being called to be this? Before reading anything more, how would you answer this? What comes to your mind and heart?
One way to reflect on this, I am reminded of a verse from the Acts of the Apostles that is inscribed around the wall of the Cathedral: They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. This is a snapshot and a witness of the life of the Church, from the very beginning.
The Apostles went out to people in their area… and people came to the Apostles. They wanted to hear Jesus speak to their hearts, as He spoke to the Apostles, a word that gives life. They wanted to hear what it meant to follow Jesus… to be a member of His Body, and to share in His cross and in His resurrection. They wanted to know Jesus. In coming to know Jesus more, it changes your life. It shapes and guides your life in ways you never planned before. It forms and reveals who you are, and how you live. I would like that too. I would like to experience Jesus giving life-giving words, and for Him to teach me. I would like people to find that here, in our parish. That you can find this here too. And I wonder, how can we as a parish experience this more?...
The Apostles went out to people in their area, and people came to them, to share in a deeper prayer, together as a community, bigger than themselves. To receive Jesus in Communion, and BE in communion with Him. Not just to know about Jesus, or about following Him, but to have a life shared with Him and in Him and through Him. To open your heart to God… to know Him… and be known… to be in God’s presence, in God’s love and care… heart to heart… and be rooted in that. That is when our hearts find satisfaction… fulfillment… peace… and purpose. We were MEANT for this – MADE for this. I would like that too. I would like to experience a deeper communion with God, and a rich sacramental life. I would like people to find that here, in our parish. That you can find this here too. And I wonder, how can we as a parish experience this more?...
The Apostles went out to people in their area, and people came to them, to take part in a common life together, a communal life. It is not just me anymore. I am meant to be a part of a communal life – where I am there for others, where we are there for each other, and together for the sake of others. For us to experience having someone to turn to, someone to understand, to listen, what you go through… what you have gone through… what we might have in common… how I might be there for you, or have something to share. To know Jesus THROUGH each other, and WITH each other. We are, each of us, walking each other home. This communal life is one of fellowship, of friendship, to know and to be known by another, to be a friend to each other, and to be a friend to someone who needs a friend… this is powerful. It will change you. I would like that too. I would like people to find that here, in our parish. That you can find this here too. And I wonder, how can we as a parish experience this more?...
We are still many of us unknown to each other… and maybe feeling unknown to God. And yet it is SCARY. It might be easier to keep God at arm’s length – not get too close. It might be easier to keep each other at arm's length, and not know you more, or what you think, or how you feel, or why, or what you need, or what you might ask of me. I am not sure I WANT to get involved. What if it is too much?
And yet… there is something powerful, in working together with someone else, praying together with someone else, reflecting and discussing faith with someone else – there is an energy. It changes you! And your heart changes. And you start to be aware of a desire in your heart – a passion – that moves you. And you find not only do you have something to give… you have something you WANT to share. And you find you were made for this – you were created to give – to be a gift – you have something to contribute. And by being a part of this communal life, to receive. When you experience Jesus speaking to you and to your life, when you experience worship and awe in God’s presence and in His love, when you experience a companion and a community by your side that you are a part of… it OVERFLOWS. If I experience this… what does this lead me to?
This communal life… is not just meant for us, but that we, as a community, might share this communal life with others. To serve others – outside our community. But even this sounds wrong – as if we are an in-group to those people out there. Dedication to the communal life means being dedicated to a shared life and communal life, a friendship - with everyone. To live communally - We are each members of each other, as members of the Body of Christ, one member to another (some just don’t know it!). And you might be surprised – how THEY might lift YOU up.
How can we overcome the obstacles that hold us back from a shared life, with God, and with each other? What are the things keeping us from a deeper shared prayer life together? What would help us enter into a deeper sacramental life together? What would help us to listen to Jesus and let Him lead us in His footsteps? And if I want to find this in our parish, what might that look like… and in what way might I be a part of that?
How is God inviting us to something this year? As a parish. How is God inviting you to something? Maybe just start with how God might be drawing you to listen to Him more, to hear Him speak to you… Maybe just start with how God might be drawing you to spending some time with Him in prayer, or to be with Him more at Mass, and open your heart to Him, and let Him open His heart to you… Maybe just start with how God might be inviting you to help out, or to listen to someone, or offer a gesture of friendship or kindness…
And just see how it might awaken a spark of a desire… how it might overflow into something… with a life greater than your own.