The ancient and venerable practice of the Church is that in addition to the intention of the good of the whole Church, a priest offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for a particular intention for the good of the faithful. Often this Mass intention is for a deceased person, but can be for some other worthy intention, such as prayers for the healing of the sick, a Mass to petition for divine assistance in the midst of great trial or calamity, Mass for a married couple celebrating a significant anniversary, or for someone celebrating a birthday. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us about celebrating the Mass for the intention of the deceased: “This teaching is also based on the practice of prayer for the dead, already mentioned in Sacred Scripture: ‘Therefore Judas Maccabeus made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin.’ From the beginning the Church has honored the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that, thus purified, they may attain the beatific vision of God. The Church also commends almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead: Let us help and commemorate them. If Job's sons were purified by their father's sacrifice, why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them.” [CCC 1032]
The offering associated with a Mass intention is strictly regulated in the Code of Canon Law and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Church wishes to avoid any semblance of trafficking or trading, that is, offering grace in exchange for money. While there may be a customary offering (or stipend as it is called) in a geographical region that is determined by the bishop, the Christian faithful give an offering for the intention truly of their free will. The offering contributes to the good of the entire Church and manifests a concern to support its ministers and sacred duties. A priest is recommended to celebrate the Mass for a particular intention, especially if the needy have a request, even if no offering has been received. The new, 1983 edition of the Code of Canon Law was an opportunity to update practices regarding Mass intentions and ensure a just and proper disposition of the offerings. Therefore, for over twenty-five years, in the Diocese of Jefferson City, it has been a custom to use the money that has been offered for an intention to help a parish ensure a just salary for the priests. The current suggested offering for all the dioceses in Missouri is established at $10.00. Priests who are retired may keep the stipend, but priests in active ministry do not directly receive the offering.
Several other regulations and customs are important to note. A priest may only keep the offering from one intention a day, the only exception being Christmas Day. If a priest celebrates a second Mass, or for pastoral reasons a third Mass, the offering that was given for any additional Masses must be given to the Diocese for the specified good of the faithful. This case is called a bination. The Code of Canon Law requires, as a grave obligation, the pastor of a parish to offer the Mass for the good of the people of the parish (Misa pro populo) on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation . That is why you will see one of the weekend Masses as designated for the parishioners. There is no offering associated with that.
The faithful might request one single Mass intention and offer an amount for that intention which is more than is customary. The parish can accept that offering surplus and use it for the good of the faithful. There might be a request for more than one Mass to be celebrated for a specific intention. For example, on the occasion of a funeral, the faithful often give an offering for memorial Masses for the deceased. In this case, the number of Masses to be satisfied would equal the amount offered divided by the amount of the customary offering for one intention.
The priest is under a grave obligation to satisfy the intentions that have been requested. The Mass intention book records the requests for a Mass intention and the offering, along with the date that the Mass is celebrated. When the Bishop visits the parish, this is one of the books that he is required to audit. The money given as Mass offerings must be kept in a separate account. That money may not be used to gain interest of any form. Money is transferred to the general operating account of the parish on a regular basis in the amount that corresponds to the intentions that have been satisfied.
Canon law prohibits anyone from accepting Mass offerings that cannot be reasonably satisfied within a year of the offering. Since there are only so many Masses celebrated in the parish, you may be asked if it is ok to send the Mass intention and offering into the Diocese so that others may assist in satisfying the obligation. We want to be able to offer a Mass on a particularly important day, such as the anniversary of death or on someone’s birthday. We trust that people understand that we do our best to accommodate the wishes of the faithful, but we must keep in mind the common good and the rules of the Church.
I will conclude with a few points about how to go about requesting a Mass intention. Lynn Carter manages the Mass intentions in the office. You can request a Mass intention using these words, “I would like a Mass offered for the following intention: for John Smith, for the repose of his soul.” Or you might say, “I would like to have three Masses celebrated for Jean Smith, who is deceased.” Or you could request a Mass for someone living, “I would like to request a Mass for my brother-in-law Bill Smith, who was recently diagnosed with cancer.” Sometimes people request Masses, but for some understandable reason do not wish to make public the intention. In this case, we will just record the name of the one requesting the intention and note that the specific nature of the intention requires some degree of privacy. The office staff is very discreet in these cases. A priest offering a Mass needs to have some general indication of what the Mass intention is for to ensure the proper fulfillment of the offering. The bulletin will note that the Mass is for a “Special Intention” with no other identifying information.
Once you have made the request. You will want to settle upon a date. You might say, “As soon as possible” but then find out that the next available Mass is in four weeks! If a parishioner is recently deceased, we usually have a Mass as soon as possible after the funeral. In cases where you wish a particular date, you might want to check with the office several months in advance. As to the offering, as mentioned above, the customary amount for an offering for a single Mass intention is now $10.00. You may write a check or bring cash with you. Or if times are tight and there is a great need, offer what you are able. The office is very good at contacting folks regarding the celebration of a Mass intention to remind them that it is coming up so that they can participate in the Mass personally.
The offering of a Mass intention for the repose of a soul or for the spiritual and material welfare of an individual, family or community has been one of the most consistent sources of grace that I have experienced in my priesthood. There can be no greater gift than to offer the sacrifice of the Mass. And there are no richer fruits than the benefits that come from the pious celebration of the Eucharist. In celebrating a Mass intention, I am always reminded of the great priestly grace Christ has given me in assisting Him in the salvation of the world. But the fruits of this worthy custom do not only come to the one for whom the Mass is offered, nor only the one who made the offering, nor to me, Christ’s unworthy servant, but to the whole Church. When we see the intentions listed each week in the bulletin or when we hear the intentions announced at Mass, all the faithful can fulfill their sacred role to pray for the living and the deceased even as we bring to God our own personal petition or intercession.