Dear Parishioners of Mary Immaculate and Saint Rose,
During His time on the Cross, Jesus probably said many things, but seven exclamations have been recorded for us in the Gospels. Matthew and Mark share one of these seven last words, and Luke and John each report three. During our Lenten Season it is good for us to reflect on what Jesus told us from the Cross.
Luke 23:34 Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
I am not a person who deals well with being blindsided. I can deal better with things if I know what is coming, so the concept that I might be doing something to hurt Jesus without even knowing it makes me very uncomfortable. I mean, I know that I am a sinner. I can examine my life and I can see where I can do better. I go to Confession regularly, and I have no trouble coming up with things to confess. But every once in awhile something comes up which was somehow unknown to me. Usually it is some attitude or reaction to something, and then I have an insight into what might be the underlying cause. This always causes me to be very uncomfortable. I know this is because I want to be in control. I am not afraid to acknowledge that I am a sinner, but then I want to do it on my own terms.
Many times I have thought that if I had been at the foot of the Cross when Jesus was hanging there, I would have done something to relieve His suffering. But if I am honest, I would have to admit that I would in all likelihood be one of the jeering, angry mob, so caught up in my own selfish reaction as to be blind to Who Jesus really is.
So my prayer as we begin this time of Lent is, Lord, help me to see my hidden sin. Sin that is so much a part of me that I am not even aware that it is there. Help me in my selfishness and self-centeredness to know that You are God. May I cast myself onto Your divine mercy and forgiveness.
Msgr. Cox