Many thanks to all who have been tithing, and especially those who gave over-and-above in December, which allowed us to play “Santa” for a couple of families and fulfill the kind of requests we don’t normally handle. One pregnant couple was referred from Lutheran Family and Children’s Services, and they needed a new battery for their vehicle, which was essential to get to work. And another mom, referred by CAP NEMO, was driving on a couple of bald tires, so we were able to replace those to help keep her and her kids safe.
We have a significant change beginning this year, in how we handle requests for rent and motel rooms. In the past, we have required a referral from another agency (usually CAP NEMO) to help vet people before we pledge motels. There is a lot of back-and-forth, and people are upset, because they are stuck out in the weather and they want relief right now. Rent requires some extra verification, and I need to know how to make out a check and where to send it. A lot of people pay by Venmo or cash, and they want me to call the property manager to make other arrangements, which I don’t have time to do, and which is really their responsibility anyway, if they are asking for help. So you might imagine that both of these scenarios often involve clients who get frustrated, and this is where they are most likely to become verbally abusive. Don’t worry: I don’t accept this, and I am very clear that I will hang up if it doesn’t stop instantly, but it’s still an energy thief to deal with.
It turns out that CAP NEMO is able to accept funds from churches/nonprofits, and use the money according to very specific guidelines that we set, and then at the end of the month, they will report back on exactly how it was spent. For January, we transferred $750 to them, for two $150 rent payments, and $450 toward motel rooms. We can evaluate month-to-month and adjust as needed. For example, we can give more for motel rooms in extreme weather, and then cut back when it’s temperate. And if a different agency calls with a referral, we can still pledge a room directly. So far, I’m feeling very good about this, because when someone calls here, they still get the chance to tell their story and be listened to, and then I can give them a YES, that we do help with this, and here’s the number to call to complete the process.
Another development in town is the formation of a Family Connection Center, designed to be a warm and friendly place to access services like parenting classes, a diaper bank, a computer lab, help with navigating applications for food stamps, Medicaid, etc. There was a community work day on MLK Day on the 20th, to get the space cleaned up and painted. I’ll keep you posted as things develop.